A Wealthy Affiliate Review – Why It’s My #1 Recommendation

Wealthy Affiliate is an all-inclusive affiliate marketing platform that is dedicated to helping aspiring and successful internet marketing entrepreneurs create, grow and scale a successful internet business. Wealthy Affiliate, also known as WA was originally created back in 2005, and has the longest standing track record in the affiliate markeing industry. It has also been deemed the top company in the industry by over 50,000 independent reviews and currently has an excellent 4.8 Star rating on trust pilot.

What is trust pilot? It is a digital platform that allows customers to review a business from which they have purchased a product or service or contacted customer service. These ratings are from actual customers that have experienced the product or service.

Below is a very quick break-down of how I rated Wealthy Affiliate followed by a lot more detail.

Wealthy Affiliate

Website:  https://www.wealthyAffiliate.com

Price: Starter FREE, Premium $49/mth ($497/year), Premium Plus+ $99/mth ($697/year)

Founders: Kyle & Carson

Community: 2.7+ MILLION members

Overall Rating: 4.9/5

Pilot Consumer Rating: 4.9/5

Research Tools: 5/5

Customer Support: 5/5

Training/Classes: 5/5

WordPress Hosting: 5/5


What separates Wealthy Affiliate from the competition out there, is the all-inclusive nature of the offering. Not only are you able to get started for free, keeping in mind, this is not a temperary trial offer, it is free forever. Plus, you are offered world-class training, and you get all the research and writing platforms, websites, hosting, and expert support that you actually need to run an online business.

Most company’s have you purchase these needed resources after you join. With Wealthy affiliate, you have all that you need. There are not hidden up-sells ever! You know what you are getting into right from the starting gate.

So in essence, you can walk into a Wealthy Affiliate with or without experience, and have EVERYTHING you need under one roof to manage one to many very successful businesses online.

What is Wealthy Affiliate?

Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate (WA) is an all inclusive affiliate marekting platform designed to teach you how to build a successful online business related to your passions, interests or hobbies. WA helps you generate a full or part time income through affiliate marketing. It is very different from much of the competition in that you are taught how to earn an income through a variety of niches.

At its core, the Wealthy Affiliate  training focusses on how to earn affiliate commissions by promoting products and services in a niche that you are passionate about. This is unlike other programs that focus on promoting their program itself. Yes, you can promote Wealthy Affiliate if you are interested in the “make money online” niche, however, that is not the what the primary training program is all about. Rather, it is about you finding a niche that you are highly interested in and creating a profitable business around that interest.

When I mentioned it is an all inclusive platform, I mean you get everything you need to be successful within the Wealthy Affiliate community. There is no need to go anywhere else. You will never need to purchase any other tools or resources. You have all you need within a community of over 2.6 million members. Within the Wealthy Affiliate platform, you get access to Web hosting, domains, Keyword research tools, the ability to build beautiful, profit ready websites and the best training platform in the industry.

Core Training. The Foundation of a Successful and Thriving Business

Without awesome support, context, and without actual real life examples and experts ready to help you make sense of all of it, training is just training. At Wealthy Affiliate, you get the most comprehensive database of training in the world. The training WA provides contains 1,000’s of resources and 100’s of hours of classess, all designed to help you reach your business goals.

That all being said, I want to emphasize the “core” and business foundational training that you will be instantly exposed to as soon as you enroll in the Wealthy Affiliate platform. This is known as The Online Entrepreneur Certification  and it is the key to getting rolling online, whether you are just starting out or if you have some experience. This training comes with 50 lessons (5 Courses) and will literally take you step by step from the infancy of choosing your direction (or niche) of your business, to building out your website and then scaling that business for long term success.

There is a RIGHT way and a WRONG way to go about building a business. Unfortunately a great deal of the training that is available out there is misleading, or is outdated information and will send you in the wrong direction. Wealthy Affiliate strives to get you in the right direction and works with you all the way through to success.

The training at Wealthy Affiliate walks you through the key and critical steps that you need to understand when building out a successful and profitable business.

Here are just some of the things that you are going to learn within the first 10 lessons of The Online Entrepreneur Certification training.

  • How to Choose a Lucrative Direction for Your Business
  • Building a Profit- Ready Website
  • A Full Breakdown of the Make Money Process
  • Getting Your Website Ready for Ranking in Google
  • How to Structure Your Website for Future Success
  • Setting up Your Content Framework
  • Achieving Ideal Design With Your Website Layout
  • Creating Custom Menus & Sub-Menus On Your Website
  • Finding Low Competition, High Ranking Keyword Opportunities
  • Gearing Up for a Long Term and Successful Journey Onlne

And that is just within just the first 10 lessons. You are going to be off and running with a successful business before you know it.
Wealthy Affiliate CORE Training

So, if you are looking to create a long term, sustainable and profitable business online, or even multiple business, then you want to go through this CORE training step by step as it is laid out for you. The really cool thing about this training is that it is a “learn while you earn” type of process. As you learn, you have the ability and resources available to earn at the same time. The focus of Wealthy Affiliate is to help you master this process and you have expert support and access to all of the help you need to succeed as you move through this CORE training.

Expert Classes. You Become an Expert When You Learn From Experts

In addition to the CORE training, Wealthy affiliate offers expert classes that are taught by experts in their respective areas of expertise. An old Chinese proverb states something like this.

“To know the road ahead, ask those coming back.”

This definetly applies here. In other words, if you want to become an expert in something, you will go better to get the knowledge firsthand. From the people who have mastered the learning material. You get firsthand knowledge of YOUR road ahead. That is the amazing thing about the expert classes offered through the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

These are real-time classes that take place throughout the week, every week. In fact, there are a minimum of 350+ classes per year. They are PURE value and are taught by some most successful Internet Entrepreneurs in the online business world. And the best part is that you have access to them without having to pay extra for it.

Here is a look at the current class menu, as you can see there is a class today!.

These classes are tought by REAL people, who are creating REAL success. People that are in the trenches, teaching you what they know works, and helping you avoid roadblocks that will end up in inevitable failure. People that are going to be able to help you accomplish the same.

After you establish your fundamental and core foundation through the certification training or through bootcamp, you are going to want to expand your skill set and your knowledge base. This can be done in an ongoing, interactive way through the Classes platform.
Wealthy Affiliate expert classes

Each and every one of these classes has a FULL Question & Answer period, and you can ask questions throughout as the live stream is taking place. This is powerful because if there is a topic you don’t understand or you want the actual expert to expand on what they are talking about, you can simply ask.

Here is a sample class “The 4 Steps to Creating a Successful Business Online“, one that you will have access to immediately when you join.

After a class takes place, you also have access to the replay and can watch it as many times as you like…it goes into our expert class database of classes which has over 500+ HOURS of incredible training.

You won’t find more current, more expert, and more interactive training in the industry that will help you take your business to the next level as these classes will do.

Even as a Starter member, you are going to be warmly introduced to classes as you will immediately have access to Kyle’s (One of the founders of WA) class on The 4 Steps to Creating a Successful Business Online.. This is going to showcase the exact 4-step and simplified process that we teach at Wealthy Affiliate, and that is leading to 6 and 7 figure affiliate marketers.

I encourage you to check this out, for free, if you are looking to get started. Again, you can jump in as a Starter member and get rolling with your business right away and that will give you immediate access to this class.

BENEFITS of Classes:

  • Learning directly from the experts
  • Speed up success by years, learning from those that are successful
  • Avoid critical failures in business
  • Expand upon your skill set and success, weekly
  • Current training, not like 99% of the training online that is outdated

Keyword Research (One Keyword Can Make You $1000’s)

Keyword Research Platform and Training

WA has an awesome Keyword tool that helps you analyze what people are searching for inside Google to find information. It is called Jaaxy. In order to get your website in front of people searching, you need to understand the audiences’ search behavior and this Keyword Tool shows you just what you need to stay ahead of the competition. It will show you how many times a keyword is searched in a given month and how competitive the keyword is in terms of other sites trying to rank for that particular keyword.
In addition to the Jaaxy keyword tool, WA provides the best keyword research training available in the industry. This training is embedded in the certification training as well as the affiliate bootcamp training. Plus the live video training provide awesome research training from experts within the industry that show you over the shoulder training of how to choose the best keywords and how to rank them high in the search engines.

Laying a good foundation to any decent internet campaign starts with awesome keyword research and the Jaaxy keyword tool gives you the ammunition to succeed. Below is an example of how this would look in a typical keyword search:
A Wealthy Affiliate Review 2018-Jaaxy Keyword tool

Understanding your niche (audience), and being able to discover significant pockets of opportunity online can separate a very successful marketer from one that doesn’t achieve any success. In fact, over the years I have been able to rank under SINGLE keywords that have lead to $1,000’s of income. One article, one publish, $1,000’s in residual and ongoing income. The thing about a good keyword phrase is that you can write one article that will generate income for years to come. This is truly what passive income is all about. You work once and keep on earning from those one time efforts.

That is the reality if you understand how to properly research keywords and you understand, and you have access to the elite tools to accomplish this.

Wealthy Affiliate provides an incredible suite of research tools and platforms that you can utilize within ALL types of online businesses, whether you are looking for “ideas” for a business, or you are looking to find low competition keywords that will bring a lot of value to your business and to your audience.

This tool allows you to come up with high value, and low competition keywords. If you look at the QSR column, that is a metric that ONLY Wealthy Affiliate provides through technology built. This is your TRUE competition, and having access to this data will help you rank with efficiency in Google, Bing and Yahoo. This leads to free, high value traffic (and subsequent opportunity).

Researching your niche and having access to elite, and progressive research platforms is going to be imperative to the success of your business. Let’s have a quick look at this platform and it’s true value that will offer your business.

BENEFITS of the Research Platform to Your Success:

  • Save’s lots of time, it’s super efficient
  • Leads to revelation of big pockets opportunity
  • Can spy on your competition, gives you a competitive edge
  • Track your website to see exactly where you are ranked, and start to form ideas on patterns and trends in terms of Google rankings
  • Uncover MILLIONS of keyword (traffic) opportunities.
  • Find HIGH value domain assets (up to 75 new domains in a 3 second search)
  • Reveal new niches

Upon joining Wealthy Affiliate, you will have immediate access to this platform. If you understand how to research your audience and keywords, you are going to master things like Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay-Per-Click (PPC) marketing with efficiency.

You Can Promote Over 550 MILLION Products. For Free.

The Internet is a vast place, and so is the affiliate marketing world. As an affiliate marketer, you can promote from over 550 MILLION products. Basically every product, brand, and company in the world has an affiliate program. From Amazon, to Walmart, to Nike, to eBay to Etsy. Billions of dollars are being spent online every month, and behind a large percentage of all of these transactions are affiliates generating revenue.

In fact, in 2022 affiliate marketing is slated to generate affiliates $12,000,0000,0000 (yes, $12 BILLION) in income, with this growing year-over-year for the foreseeable future.

Wealthy Affiliate is of course going to help you capitalize on this from an affiliate marketing education standpoint, but what about finding these companies and opportunities? Yes. You are covered with the “Affiliate Program Search”.

As soon as you enter into Wealthy Affiliate, you will be granted access to this platform and access the power of this search.

Benefits of this Affiliate Program Search at Wealthy Affiliate:

  • Easy to search and find relevant affiliate programs in your industry
  • Access to over 10,000 of the highest paying and reputable affiliate programs online
  • Can reach out directly to affiliate managers and company owners
  • Manage your affiliate programs you are part of in one central location
  • Exclusve relationships with large networks to simplify acceptance

This tool alone will give you a competitive advantage over the rest of the industry (IE, affiliates not hanging out within WA).

Wealthy Affiliate is a “Powerhouse” Community.

Wealthy Affiliate boasts the largest community of internet entrepreneurs in the world. Size isn’t always doesn’t mean better, as the real value is in the fact that the community of Wealthy Affiliate is also the most interactive and helpful community on the planet.

My followers at WA

If you are helpful, or looking for help, then you are going to get the support you need to advance your skills, business and success. You are also going to have the opportunity to pay it forward as your skill set improves and you can give back to the community. That is how we operate, and it starts at the top with the owners (Carson and myself), who to this day 16 years later, still are active within the community each and every day helping people build businesses.

No question is a dumb question, and no matter the level you are as an online marketer, there will always be a way to advance your knowledge and skills within the community at WA (and always someone with more experience to help you with that).

Benefits to the WA Community:

  • ZERO questions go unanswered.
  • Average is less than 5 minutes to get your questions answered.
  • Ability to network within the largest entrepreneur community in the world (almost 3 MILLION strong)
  • Your Network, is your Net Worth
  • Direct access to your own personal mentorship, and coaches
  • Direct Access to ME (Kyle)

There have even have had a few marriages come out of it all! LOL

As crazy as it sounds, there have been people that have gotten married as a result of their relationship at WealthyAffiliate.com! True story.

So not only are you going to be able to have confidence that you will get help when you need it, you are going to be able to establish meaningful long term business relationships within like-minded and very successful Internet Entrepreneurs.

The World’s Fastest Hosting, Leads to the World’s Best Ranking Sites.

Google ranks websites based on the content, but also many other factors like speed, security, your core vitals. The website and hosting platform at Wealthy Affiliate were built for speed, and the technology is leading the WordPress world. Out of the box, every website on Wealthy Affiliate is 100/100 in terms of PageSpeed Insights, Google’s rating system in for website speed.

As an example, the website you are current on (MarketingwithPassion) gets a PageSpeed Score of 100/100 and it has enough content on it which conventionally slows down a website.Website Metrics

This means my website is viewed as “lightening” fast in Google’s eyes, which has become one of the key ranking factors for websites these days. You will be running websites on a faster hosting platform than your competitors, which means you will rank better, get more traffic, and have more opportunity than your competitors.

Hosting is offered at 3 levels within the platform. With a Starter membership, you can host one website for free within your account. Premium, you can host up to 10 websites. And within the highest level membership, you can host up to 50 websites…enough to run 50, million dollar enterprises within the online world!

A successful online business starts with a firm and solid foundation, and you are in good hands with the hosting at Wealthy Affiliate.

Now, I want to spend a few moments walking you through the different membership levels at Wealthy Affiliate.

Don’t Just Listen To Me, Hear What Other Members of Wealthy Affiliate Have To Say!

They say you are the “average of the 5 people you surround yourself with”, but what if you could surround yourself with 1,000’s of world’s most successful affiliate marketers and internet entrepreneurs? Well that is one of the many competitive advantages that you are going to have at Wealthy Affiliate, and this will contribute to your growth and the level of success you can achieve online. People do succeed with Wealthy Affiliate. People just like you.

Ultimately at the end of the day, your goal is achieving success within the online world. What does success look like to you? What would you define as success? $100 per month, or $100,000 per month? The reality is BOTH of these are entirely possible, and it will come down to what sort of effort you are willing to put forth, and the persistence that you have in business.

Some of the most prolific marketers online are currently running their business, or multiple businesses, leveraging the framework within Wealthy Affiliate.

Let’s have a look at a few of the 1,000’s of published success stories, with many more happening behind the scenes. Here are just a few of them that have been posted in recent months.

And here is another…

And here is another…

Success, 60k in a day

These are actual blog posts within Wealthy Affiliate, that are published by real members on daily basis within the community.

But just a quick reminder. You could have access to EVERYTHING you need to succeed (like what Wealthy Affiliate offers), but if you are not willing to put forth the effort and do the work yourself, you are going to meet your potential quickly. If you are willing to work hard and keep working hard, you will have unlimited potential within the online world. There is “no upper cap” to your potential.

So if you want to succeed, it is up to you. You have the facilities that will help you create any level of success online.

Levels of Membership At Wealthy Affiliate and Prices

So if you want to succeed, it is up to you. You have the facilities that will help you create any level of success online.


One of the more common questions is what is the price of Wealthy Affiliate, and is it one of those “upsell after upsell” sort of programs. The answer is no. In fact, there is a completely free membership that allows you to “try before you buy”, so there really is no risk whatsoever to joining WA.

Let me take a moment to help you understand the 3 Levels of Membership.

Starter Membership: $0 Free Account

First, and foremost I ALWAYS recommend that people refuse to pay for a program in this industry before they can try it. If a company doesn’t offer a trial, or offer you a look at their program, they likely don’t trust their program enough to offer you a look. One thing that makes Wealthy Affiliate unique is that you can create a free Starter membership (no cost) and start building your business before ever having to invest a dime.

===> Create Your Free Starter Membership Here!

Premium Membership: $49/mth (or $497 yearly discount)

The Premium membership is the flagship membership of online entrepreneurs. The reason being, you get access to everything you need to create, grow, manage, and expand your online business (or several businesses). This includes everything from a state-of-the-art website and hosting platform, research and writing tools, over 120 core training modules, weekly classes, 100’s of daily community blog posts, networking capabilities with fellow entrepreneurs, and personal mentoring and expert help 24/7.

**TIP: Also, I wanted to mention something. If you join as a free Starter member, you are going to be able to get ONE free .com domain when you upgrade. This has a value of $15 USD!

===> Get Rolling for FREE Here, Then Decide on the Premium Upgrade!

Premium Plus+ Membership: $99/mth (or $697 yearly discount)

This is our Premium PLUS membership, meaning that you get everything within Premium Plus some additional perks. These include access to a higher level of hosting, the ability to host up to 50 websites. Comparable Managed WordPress hosting packages alone cost $250+ per month. We lead the industry in terms of hosting speed and quality, so this is huge value. Tack on our highest level Jaaxy Enterprise (value $99/mth), and 350+ additional expert classes per year, this is the ultimate in value, and the ultimate Elite membership online of aspiring and ultra successful entrepreneurs. This membership will literally give you status within the online world.

If you want Premium, but to put it into Entrepreneur Overdrive this is the membership for you and you will always have the option to go Premium Plus+ within Wealthy Affiliate. ????

**TIP: If you join as a free Starter member first, you are going to be able to get TWO free .com domains when you upgrade.  This has a value of $30 USD!

===> Get Rolling for FREE Here, Then Decide on the Premium Plus+ Upgrade

Those are the 3 levels of membership within Wealthy Affiliate. I actually don’t recommend that you spend a penny at this point, even if you are considering one of the higher tiers. Rather I want you to “test drive” Wealthy Affiliate using the completely free Starter membership.

You can get rolling with the training, get your own niche business set-up by lesson 4 alone, and you get direct access to ME personally (I will reach out to you when you join). Most people think that is “fake”, but the reality is that this is how we have run Wealthy Affiliate since 2005 and we have never lost sight of our focus, HELPING people.

So get rolling with a completely free test drive Starter membership, and get rolling with your online business. No credit card required.


At this point, you are likely ready to make a decision. Again, one thing I don’t want you doing is spending a cent….rather if you are interested in checking out Wealthy Affiliate and seeing if it is the platform for you, I want you to take us up on our completely free Starter membership ‘test drive’. It doesn’t cost a thing, no credit card required, and literally will get you instant access to communicate directly with me and millions of other aspiring and successful entrepreneurs.

Not to mention, by lesson 4 of the “core” training you will be up and running with your own website and foundation for your online business.

===> Get started with your free Test Drive TODAY!

I know you will love it, but I want you to find out for yourself.

PS. Also, if you have any questions at all, I will be more than happy to help you out and get back to you. Drop me a comment below and I promise to get back to you within 24 hours, if not much sooner. Or alternative, you can join Wealthy Affiliate and connect with me directly inside the community, through my profile. The link to my profile is here..

8 thoughts on “A Wealthy Affiliate Review – Why It’s My #1 Recommendation”

  1. I must say you’ve done a great job at explaining Wealthy Affiliate! It’s so well explained, covering every point in order! I myself have recently started my journey with Wealthy Affiliate too and it’s been great! What has been your favourite aspect of it? How long have you been with Wealthy Affiliate so far? 

    • Hi Seb, it’s great to hear that your journey with Wealthy Affiliate has been great. I think my favorite aspect of the program has been the expert classes. Being a Premium Plus member has allowed me to get some training. 

  2. Great review of Wealthy Affiliate! It’s clear that you have had a positive experience with the platform and have benefited from the training, support, and tools provided. I appreciate how you break down the various features and benefits of the program, as well as your personal experience with it. It’s always helpful to hear from someone who has firsthand experience with a product or service before making a decision. Have you found that Wealthy Affiliate has helped you achieve your online marketing goals? Thanks for sharing your insights with us!

    • Hi Murry, and thanks for your feedback. To answer your question,  yes, I have found that Wealthy Affiliate has definitely helped me reach my online marketing goals. I own two websites that get a lot of traffic using the methods taught on this amazing platform.  It has also helped me achieve my goal of working full time from home.

  3. This is a great review. I have looked for reviews about Wealthy Affiliate and I never can find anything remotely bad about this training platform and community. Everything they offer is beneficial to get started and to build a business. I have never regretted joining Wealthy Affiliate. Your post here hits all the great points about why WA is the absolute best. 

    • I completely agree Scott. Wealthy Affiliate in certainly my home. I have created 2 solid websites that are both getting a boat load of traffic. Thanks for your feedback. 

  4. Hello Ralph, I was fortunate to find Wealthy Affiliate after I lost out to some scams out there. I joined the Wealthy Affiliate followed their training, and turned my business around. As you rightly mentioned, it’s a community of over 2 million internet marketers ready to help. Apart from the robust training on the platform, they have updated tools with a community that is always ready to help.

    • Thanks Parameter for stopping by my site. Yes, I too was a victim of several scam before I joined Wealthy Affiliate. In fact, even during my training I fell for “bright shiny” objects on occasion.  You are right, the traing and community are outstanding and the ongoing support is amazing.


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